The diets used by K-Pop idols are pretty similar with the usual diet. The differences are in the diet menu and plan from several K-Pop idols. However, there’s also the kind of ‘extreme’ and ‘safe’ diet from them. Let’s get to know more about popular diet trends from K-Pop idols, here!

IU’s Diet

First of all, let’s start with IU’s diet! This is becoming one of the most popular diets among K-Pop idols, since it was proven that IU was able to secure a weight loss of 5 kg in just a week! It’s no wonder there are a lot of people who were interested in IU’s diet method and want to try it out. The diet plan from IU was quite extreme. In a day, all she had for breakfast was a piece of an apple, during her lunch she only had two pieces of sweet potato, and for the dinner she only drank a glass of protein milk. From all of those ingredients, she lost 5 kg in a week! It wasn’t magic, but it was due to the amount of calories that she consumed. Using that diet method, she only consumed about 500 calories a day. Typically, adult woman should be consuming 1,500-3,000 calories a day. Actually, this type of diet should only be done for approximately three days, but IU did it for a week and she achieved the weightloss rapidly. But still, she only uses this diet for the concert or movie filming preparation. She also revealed that she used to feel terrible during her diet process. IU’s diet was becoming really popular since a lot of people are interested in losing a lot of weight in a pretty short time span! However, the IU diet was quite extreme, and for those of you who want to follow the diet plan, make sure you consult with your doctor before you do the diet! And here are several results from certain people who successfully lost weight using IU’s diet, on YouTube!




Suzy Diet

Next is the Suzy diet! We’ve seen an extreme diet from IU, meanwhile, Suzy’s diet is famously known as one of the most healthy diets among K-Pop idols! Basically, Suzy applied time limits for her meals. She wouldn’t eat anything after 6 PM, and otherwise continued to eat regularly and healthily, but control her portions. For the breakfast, Suzy would eat a piece of skinles chicken breast, a sweet potato, and a glass of low-fat milk. During lunch, she would eat a bowl of brown rice and salad. Meanwhile for dinner, she only had two sweet potatoes. Overall, Suzy was consuming approximately 900 calories a day. Even though she only received 900 calories a day, but her nutrition needs were being completed. She was still receiving protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and fiber as well! Since Suzy’s diet recipe was healthy and safe, it has become really popular! Moreover, some people have seen good results in just a week from using the Suzy diet recipe! Another advantage of Suzy diet for those of you who would follow the recipe, is that you could add extra herbs on your meal, or vary them with other health ingredients, as well! You won’t feel terrible during the diet, and will stay healthy! And here are several people’s results who successfully lost weight using Suzy’s method on YouTube!



BTS Jimin’s Diet

There’s also the popular diet recipe from BTS’ Jimin! During an interview, Jimin said that he wanted to look stunning during BTS’s practice, so he decided to go on a diet. Unfortunately, Jimin’s diet was also known as one of the most extreme diets! For his diet, Jimin revealed that he only ate one meal a day for 10 days, regularly. Not only that, he also drank a lot of water and spent more hours at dance practice during his diet. The diet was really strict and extreme at the same time! The other BTS members were asking him to eat something, but he refused the offers. Because his body didn’t receive enough energy from one meal, Jimin became faint several times. It was also revealed by the other BTS members, as well. He also used another diet menu, such as eating two chicken breasts a day, and surviving the diet for a year. Due to his extreme diet, not only getting was he getting faint but BTS’ Jimin also experienced malnutrition. With that being said, Jimin’s diet was really extreme, and has several bad effects on the body. But still, there’s some people who have tried Jimin’s diet and successfully lost weight, even thought it’s risky. So, if you are about to try the diet, kindly go to a doctor to consult about the diet plan and adjusting the methods with your own body’s needs! Here are some YouTube videos that talk about the results of certain people who successfully lost weight using Jimin diet!




It’s very common for members of a girl group to go on a diet to prepare for their performances while on the stage, just like the MOMOLAND members! To prepare their comeback in any time, and also to maintain their slim and health bodies, MOMOLAND members revealed their diet plan! The MOMOLAND members continued to eat three times a day, but they only ate 200 gr of skinless chicken breast for breakfast, cucumbers for lunch, and two apples for dinner. They also drank approximately two liters water a day. We can see that it was kinda extreme, since they only ate one meal during their lunch and dinner, right? The MOMOLAND members’ diet also became one of the most popular diets among K-Pop idols, and obviously people have been trying the diet plan and successfully losing some weight. If you do it regularly, even within a week you can easily lose some weight. Even though the MOMOLAND members also say that they could eat huge amount of meat, but still they had to do the diet sometimes. Here are YouTube videos showing several people’s results from using the MOMOLAND diet!


Several Popular K Pop Diets Most People Like To Try  IU s  Suzy s  BTS  Jimin s  and More - 77Several Popular K Pop Diets Most People Like To Try  IU s  Suzy s  BTS  Jimin s  and More - 95Several Popular K Pop Diets Most People Like To Try  IU s  Suzy s  BTS  Jimin s  and More - 62Several Popular K Pop Diets Most People Like To Try  IU s  Suzy s  BTS  Jimin s  and More - 39Several Popular K Pop Diets Most People Like To Try  IU s  Suzy s  BTS  Jimin s  and More - 70Several Popular K Pop Diets Most People Like To Try  IU s  Suzy s  BTS  Jimin s  and More - 14Several Popular K Pop Diets Most People Like To Try  IU s  Suzy s  BTS  Jimin s  and More - 81Several Popular K Pop Diets Most People Like To Try  IU s  Suzy s  BTS  Jimin s  and More - 44Several Popular K Pop Diets Most People Like To Try  IU s  Suzy s  BTS  Jimin s  and More - 47